General Distributor of Intuitive Surgical, Inc (da Vinci Surgical System) in China, Chief Operating Officer of Chindex Medical Limited (CML)
LIU Yu, Chief Operating Officer of Chindex Medical Limited (CML), oversees theDepartments of Surgical Products, Medical Beauty Products, Technical Services, BusinessOperation and the Hong Kong Office. He is currently the Senior Vice President and ChiefOperating Officer of Medical Technology Management Committee of Fosun Pharma.
Since he rejoined CML in July 2008, LIU Yu has been in full charge of the sales andmarketing of the da Vinci surgical robots, and also has been responsible for the robot’smaintenance, after-sales service and logistics business since 2016. He has taken fullparticipation in the entire process in which the number of da Vinci surgical robots in MainlandChina grew from 1 to 65, the annual amount of surgeries rose from scores to more than 20,000,the surgeons achieved world firsts by using the robots, and the minimally invasive surgery isstepping into an era when such surgeries can be assisted by AI robots.