2020 —BCI脑控机器人大赛 青年优秀论文评选入围名单
2020 —BCI脑控机器人大赛
序号 | 申请人 | 所在单位 | 论文题目 |
1 | 杨晨 | 北京邮电大学 | 面向应用的稳态视觉诱发电位脑-机接口算法及系统研究 |
2 | 潘家辉 | 华南理工大学、华南师范大学 | Prognosis for patients with cognitive motor dissociation identified by brain-computer interface |
3 | 肖晓琳 | 天津大学 | A brain-computer interface based on miniature-event-related potentials induced by very small lateral visual stimuli |
4 | 杜长德 | 中国科学院自动化研究所 | Reconstructing perceived images from human brain activities with Bayesian deep multiview learning |
5 | 张山根 | 北京科技大学 | A study on dynamic model of steady-state visual evoked potentials |
6 | 黄志岷 | 澳门大学 | Learning across multi-stimulus enhances target recognition methods in SSVEP-based BCIs |
7 | 张稳 | 华中科技大学 | Manifold embedded knowledge transfer for brain computer interfaces |
8 | 李舒蕊 | 华东理工大学 | The study of generic model set for reducing calibration time in P300-based brain-computer interface |
9 | 唐凤珍 | 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所 | Generalized learning Riemannian space quantization: a case study on Riemannian manifold of SPD matrices |
10 | 王佳蓉 | 北京理工大学 | Decoding single-hand and both-hand movement directions from noninvasive neural signals |
*最终解释权归 —BCI脑控机器人大赛拥有